About Us

We are Emily Browning (the counselor) and Peter Graham (the chemist). Our professional lives are worlds apart, so what do we have in common? A shared passion for world travel! And don’t forget our shared love of trying new foods and beverages in each new place…

After graduate school, we moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where we lived for 3 years. Since moving back to the United States in 2008, we’ve had the desire to live in another country again. Peter’s academic sabbatical in 2020-2021 provided us with the opportunity to live in Seoul, South Korea for a year.

We hope to tell you about our adventures throughout this year of Korean sabbatical and the unexpected changes that COVID-19 has brought to our world.

What we do

About Emily

I am a clinical social worker, specializing in palliative care throughout my career. Traveling has kept me sane in coping with the often challenging world of healthcare. Although I got a late start, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the United States better through travel as well as traveling throughout the world.

About Peter

I am an inorganic chemist and currently an Associate Professor at Saint Joseph’s University. I’ve lived in Africa, Kuwait, and Canada. Traveling has always been an important part of my family’s life. I’m also an amateur photographer and photo editor.

More about Us

When we met at The College of William and Mary in Virginia in 1996, Peter had already traveled the world, while Emily had never been West of the Mississippi. However, before long Emily decided she needed to catch up to Peter’s travel adventures. Between us, we’ve now traveled to at least 26 countries on 5 continents.